August Update
“She’s the mama. I let her take care of making sure the LITs are ok!”
I froze for a moment as Nomil told this to some of the other missionaries. He was talking about me, and I wasn’t sure I was prepared to take on that role. I knew God was preparing me to step into more of a leadership role with the young people, but I did not realize how quickly it would happen!
As Nomil and Valerie Adorado prepare to go to the States for partner building and training, I prepare to enter a place of leadership and responsibility that both terrifies and excites me! Still, I know that God has prepared the way before me, and it is by His strength alone that I will lead the young people this year.
This past month has been filled with meetings, outings, scheduling, and lots of laughter. I am greatly enjoying the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with the young people as they learn how to plan, prepare, organize, and lead Kid’s Clubs. I look forward to finding out what God has planned for these next few months as I continue to empower these amazing young people!
Please continue in your prayers for us and the work going on here. I am currently preparing training material to teach the LITs how to tell stories, and teach small groups, memory verses, and object lessons. My desire is to spark their creativity and challenge them to excel in their work with the children! I would appreciate your prayers for this training, as well as for strength and grace as Nomil leaves and I step into the main leadership role with Kid’s Club.
Team Building games at Kids Club!
Team Building games at Kids Club!
Praise and Worship time.
Listening to the main lesson
Birthday Party week at After School Program!
This is the time where we celebrate with all the children who have birthdays in that month.
Shopping with one of our young leaders for the prizes and gifts for the monthly birthday party club.
Enjoying a little bit of bonding time with these two young ladies!
Sweet Emily...I just want to say how much I enjoyed reading about your work and I can tell you have such a heart of love for those you serve. God bless you and keep you in His care! Love you bunches, Mom.