God's Heart

Working with children of every kind of background has reminded me of our core purpose on this earth. We are here to show people the love of their Father. No matter what material possessions they have or do not have. No matter what their social status. Every human being is craving for the love of God, and He desires for every one of them to experience His love. It was wonderful to share that love with the children at Semester Break Camp, but it is something we do every day here at the Camp Sonshine Center. Our desire is to show every child that comes through our doors who they are in God's eyes, and how much He loves them.

Giving instructions for the Amazing Race activity time! The children loved trying to complete the challenges as quickly as they could!

After the Amazing Race, we had time for water games! This is always a favorite time for the kids!

Water games included some Sponge Dodge Ball!

One of the young people taught the children about the importance of knowing God and how to know Him more.

I taught about trusting God even when you are afraid and cannot "see" Him.

After ministry time, we had the children go into small groups and write down the things that made them scared, and ask God to help them trust Him. Many children wrote that they were afraid of their parents separating, or afraid of their parents getting angry.

One child wrote her fears, and at the end she wrote, "... but now I am not afraid because I know that God is with me."

Please continue praying for the young people here at the Sonshine Center. Many of them are going through some very difficult things in life right now because of their families, school, and expectations from leadership. It would be easy for them to quit, but I know that God desires for them to know who He has created them to be, and to experience His love for them.
