November Update
Worship Night
While working with the young people at the Sonshine Center, I've begun to see a pattern in their lives. They work hard, and teach and lead, but they struggle to have a deep relationship with God, or understand His heart for them. They work in order to have a place, or so that they will be respected, instead of working out of a place of love and passion for God. One of the young ladies I have been working personally with for the past six months came to me one day last month to tell me she did not think she could continue leading. I asked her why, and she told me something that is very revealing of the mindset in these young people.
She failed one of her college classes, and because of that she was no longer worthy to be an example to the children. I spoke with her about who she is in Christ, and the importance of her example to not quit even when things are very difficult, but the mindset she revealed is much deeper.
My roommate, Christa, and I planned this night for the young people to give them an opportunity to stop working for a moment, and instead listen to what God, their Father, might want to say to them. They are not made worthy by their school grades, or their time spent in ministry, or their discipleship course. They are made worthy by HIS love, HIS life, and HIS heart for them. It was such a joy getting to watch them sit there, worshiping, and listening to His voice. Many began weeping as they sat, without anyone touching them or praying specifically for them. But the Holy Spirit was speaking and moving in ways that we could never have planned.
Please join me in praying for these young people. The wounds, lifestyles, and mindsets of their pasts are deeply rooted, and they must be dealt with as they move forward in their relationships with Christ. I would appreciate your covering as God leads me and the other leaders here at the Sonshine Center in helping these young people and children to discover their true identity as sons and daughters of our loving Father.
I was truly blessed to share this time with those who have become my family here! We had almost 20 people who came to our house to celebrate this holiday with us! Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts during this wonderful, yet challenging, time of year away from home.
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