June Update
This was Megan's surprise experience. She had to work and came in late, so we decided to play a little trick on her. We had my sister-in-law, Caitlyn, open the door for her, then sit next to her on the couch. After a minute Caitlyn got up and went to the bedroom where I was waiting. She gave me her jacket and phone, and I walked back into the room and sat next to Megan as if I were Caitlyn...
This was my mom and Courtney and Heidi's surprise.
Ethan and Caitlyn were visiting with them, when Ethan said, "Oh, I found something really cool on the side of the road I should show y'all!". Then he went to the bedroom where I was, and carried me back into the living room...
I was able to spend a week with my parents in Tyler, and enjoy some great quality time, as well as amazing Texas BBQ, and lots of ice cream!
I am taking advantage of every moment I can get with my newest little niece, Violet! She is absolutely adorable, and I'm so glad I am getting to experience this time with her and my first niece, Ivy!
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