August Update
"Did you know that Jesus is God? So when He chose to come to earth and be human, He was leaving everything! His power, the angels worshiping Him, all the beauty of heaven!" The gasp from the children was audible, and their eyes widened in shock. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly children can grasp the awe of Jesus' choice to leave heaven for us.
Throughout the last few years, the Sonshine Center has formed a unique relationship with a private school here in Iloilo City. We've been given the privilege of hosting several semester-break camps with their 4th to 6th graders, and several day camps with their 1st to 3rd graders. This year we had a new opportunity to host a chapel hour every quarter at the school for all the children, 1st to 6th grades! We hosted our first chapel hour this past month, and I was asked to lead the team that would minister. It was a wonderful time of playing, singing, and dancing with the children, as well as teaching them more about God. Around 100 children were present. Some were old and knew us well, while others were new and seeing us for the first time! I was given the role of teaching the lesson, and shared with the children about being thankful at all times, because no matter how life may look, God can make something beautiful out of it, when we give Him our lives. When I shared the simple gospel with them, Jesus choosing to come to earth, take our punishment, and forgive our sins, it was amazing to see the children's reactions. Many children prayed with us afterward to receive Jesus' forgiveness, but please continue praying with us for these children. We are excited to continue hosting these chapel hours, and seeing the children grow and be discipled!
Throughout the last few years, the Sonshine Center has formed a unique relationship with a private school here in Iloilo City. We've been given the privilege of hosting several semester-break camps with their 4th to 6th graders, and several day camps with their 1st to 3rd graders. This year we had a new opportunity to host a chapel hour every quarter at the school for all the children, 1st to 6th grades! We hosted our first chapel hour this past month, and I was asked to lead the team that would minister. It was a wonderful time of playing, singing, and dancing with the children, as well as teaching them more about God. Around 100 children were present. Some were old and knew us well, while others were new and seeing us for the first time! I was given the role of teaching the lesson, and shared with the children about being thankful at all times, because no matter how life may look, God can make something beautiful out of it, when we give Him our lives. When I shared the simple gospel with them, Jesus choosing to come to earth, take our punishment, and forgive our sins, it was amazing to see the children's reactions. Many children prayed with us afterward to receive Jesus' forgiveness, but please continue praying with us for these children. We are excited to continue hosting these chapel hours, and seeing the children grow and be discipled!
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